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NLCC Program:

This junior cadet program introduces its members to naval life through instruction in basic seamanship and leadership. NLCC members are able to participate in monthly drill sessions and during school breaks and in a one-week orientation class as well as in specially-designed annual training sessions. The purpose of the NLCC program is to prepare its cadets for success upon entering NSCC by exposing them to the fundamentals of seamanship and leadership. The training program is less arduous than NSCC's, but still includes a wide variety of away-from-home, one-week training opportunities designed to give cadets exposure to Navy life.

A fantastic opportunity for younger kids (ages 10 through 13) to make friends, try something new, and prepare themselves to eventually enter NSCC.The NLCC is the junior program of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. It was developed for younger cadets, ages 10 through 13. The mission of the NLCC is to train cadets about the seagoing military services, community service, citizenship, and an understanding of discipline and teamwork so that they are prepared for membership in the NSCC.

NSCC Program:

The senior cadet program exposes its cadets to the full rigors of a military training program. Cadets are required to attend a mandatory two-week recruit training camp. After this requirement is met, cadets are eligible to participate in a variety of advanced training sessions. These sessions serve to expose cadets to seamanship and seagoing subjects. They also focus on developing an appreciation for our country's rich naval history, customs and traditions. 

The NSCC is the senior program of the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps. It was developed for older cadets, ages 13 through 17. The mission of the NSCC is to expose cadets to the full rigors of a military training program. NSCC prepares its cadets for whatever path they may take after high school.


Thank you for visiting the Chief (MCM 14) Division | Training Ship Essex Sea Cadets page. We are excited to have you with us. If you are interested in joining as a cadet or an adult interested in volunteering, please contact us with the form on the contact us page or directly via email or phone with the information provided below.


Phone: 925.875.8460

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